Yara Nabbout

Women in Business Program

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The aim behind this program is to help women launch e-commerce and online businesses that will eventually allow them to become financially independent. It is named after my late twin sister Yara Nabbout and is a tribute to everything she stood for and believed in.

Months before she passed away in 2014, Yara was about to complete a degree in business and marketing. She was also eagerly planning to launch something online. I remember she would always jokingly tell me she’d run it and I’d handle the creative aspects of it because I was never good at numbers.

I named this initiative after her to keep her legacy alive. I know that all she wanted to do in this world was lend a helping hand to anyone who needs it, ignite a light in the darkness and make a positive difference. This program aims to do just that.

Program Details

Who can apply

Any woman who’s planning to launch a

small online business from home.

How to apply

All you need to do is send in some details about your business idea. You can send in a business plan if available.

Tell us more about why you plan to start and what obstacles you’re facing.

All information should be sent to our email: info@kezbara.com

What the program includes

Once selected, an accepted applicant will receive a series of one-on-one sessions aiming to help them launch online. They will also receive ongoing support in setting up a social media platform to help them grow their business.

If funding is required for their project, we will also be helping in finding investors or sponsors in collaboration with several institutions.

To Apply